Our mission is to keep our advice simple and commercial – providing exceptional legal services from experienced lawyers, at a very reasonable cost.

Headed by founding partner Gillad Dalal, who has over 20 years of experience as a partner in some of the biggest law firms, Dalal and Associates Lawyers offers the expertise that you would expect from a major law firm – delivered in a more personal and cost effective way.

Our specialist areas include:

  • Corporate and Commercial Law;
  • Banking and Finance;
  • Restructuring and Insolvency; and
  • Commodities and Structured Trade and Commodity Finance.

Although we have particular areas that we specialise in, we provide our clients with advice across the full spectrum of legal services, by collaborating with other talented, likeminded lawyers. This includes in areas such as:

  • Property;
  • Commercial Litigation;
  • IP/IT;
  • Retail and Regulatory;
  • Employment Law; and
  • A number of other areas.

Our collaborative model allows us to hand pick the best lawyers for each individual deal, providing you with the most talented people that have the specific skills you need – giving you the best outcome.

Liability Limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.